Cattle Feeders Invited To Extension Series

The UW-Madison Extension Cattle Feeders Series has valuable and timely information for farmers finishing both dairy and beef steers/heifers, and allied industry representatives.

The series will be conducted online via interactive Zoom meetings on March 1 and March 3 with different topics presented each night. Presentations will begin at 7 p.m. and last about 1.5 hours.

The March 1 session will start with ‘Using Enogen Corn in Feedlot Rations’ by Dr. Galen Erickson, University of Nebraska Extension Beef Feedlot Specialist. Erickson has conducted several trials evaluating animal performance from the use of Enogen corn in feedlot rations. Enogen corn hybrids were initially developed to improve the efficiency of ethanol production and there has been an increased interest for use feedlot rations.

The second topic will be the ‘Market and Price Outlook for 2022’ by Dr. Brenda Boetel, UW Extension Livestock Economist.

March 3 topics will start with ‘Stockmanship: How Does Yours Affect Cattle Performance’ by Bill Halfman, UW Extension Agriculture Agent – Monroe County. Halfman will discuss how cattle handling practices impact animal performance.

The second topic will be ‘Management Considerations for Cattle Feeders when Feed Prices are High’ by Erickson. He’ll discuss different management practices that cattle feeders may consider when feed prices are high.

One Wisconsin BQA Continuing Education Credit is provided for those currently BQA certified in Wisconsin who attend the live presentation on March 3.  

Pre-registration is required: