Calling Ag & Dairy Youth Groups – Volunteer Opportunity

Are you involved with an agriculture or dairy youth organization? The Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board is seeking volunteer groups to join them in Dairy Lane during the Wisconsin State Fair from August 1-11! Host the Cheesemaker Challenge, answer questions about dairy cows, calves and dairy goats and they’ll donate $200 to your youth organization. They will also provide 4 admission tickets, 1 parking pass and coupons for a delicious grilled cheese from the Real Wisconsin Cheese Grill and a shake from the Dairyland Shake Shop. 


  • Knowledge of the Wisconsin Dairy Industry
  • Provide 4 volunteers per shift including 1 adult chaperone (4 people total)
  • Organizations can sign up for more than 1 shift 

Check in with to sign-up for a shift or if you sign-up online, include the name of your organization in the comment section (if 4 spots are no longer available on a shift, you will need to select a shift that has 4 available spots)


Contact Stephanie Hammerly at