U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and a bipartisan group of colleagues introduced the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act.
The legislation would require automakers to keep AM radio accessible in all of their new passenger vehicles, including electric vehicles at no additional charge. The legislation comes as many major automakers are removing AM from their new vehicles.
“Wisconsin families across the state, especially those in our rural and farming communities, depend on AM radio to receive critical emergency alerts and high-quality local news,” says Baldwin.
If enacted, the bill would require the Department of Transportation to issue a rule requiring new vehicles to maintain access to broadcast AM radio at no additional cost to the consumer and provide small vehicle manufacturers at least four years after the date DOT issues the rule to comply. The bill also requires automakers to inform consumers, during the period before the rule takes effect, that the vehicles do not maintain access to broadcast AM radio.
Reports of automakers removing AM radio from vehicles has pushed broadcasters, lawmakers and listeners to raise awareness. Farm news, weather and sports are just a few of the reasons more than 80 million Americans depend on radio.
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