October 1, 2020
August was not a good month for Wisconsin dairy operations that were hoping their trend of higher milk prices would stay in place. USDA officials say milk prices have taken a step back.
The Wisconsin all milk price for August 2020 was $19.40 per hundredweight (cwt) or about $1.66 per gallon at the farm gate. This was $2.90 lower than last month’s price but 30 cents higher than last August’s price.
The U.S. all milk price for August was $18.80 per cwt, 60 cents lower than Wisconsin’s price and $1.70 lower than last month’s U.S. price.
Eighteen of the 24 major milk producing states had a lower price when compared with July, five states were higher, and one, Arizona, was unchanged. South Dakota had the largest decrease in price, down $4.60 per cwt., followed by Iowa, down $4.30 per cwt.