Animal Harvest Workshop Coming To UW

The UW-Madison Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery is presenting a Basic Harvest & Fabrication Workshop on March 25-27.

This annual three-day workshop provides a comprehensive approach to understanding animal harvest and fabrication of amenable species, such as beef, pork, lamb, and poultry. A team of university instructors, supplier specialists, and accomplished butchers will provide a science-to-production education and teach the principles, science, regulations, and food safety of animal harvest and fabrication at a basic and applied level. Harvest and fabrication demonstrations with hands-on participation opportunities will facilitate a stronger understanding of classroom discussions.

Topics Covered

  • Humane Handling Programs
  • Live Animal Handling
  • Pre- and Post-Mortem Inspection
  • Multi-Species Harvest Demonstrations
  • Microbial Sampling Programs
  • Technology & Equipment
  • Antimicrobial Interventions
  • HACCP Plans & Food Safety
  • Meat Quality
  • Hands-On Pork Carcass Fabrication
  • Hands-On Poultry Carcass Fabrication
  • Chilling Systems
  • By-Products & Variety Meats
  • Maximizing Productivity & Yields
  • Beef & Lamb Fabrication Demonstrations
  • Propper Stunning Methods
  • Animal Biologics

Registration is live and limited to 30 participants:

The registration fee for the Basic Harvest and Fabrication Workshop is $750 per person. This includes course materials and handouts, refreshments, lunches, a Wednesday evening reception, and local transportation between the DoubleTree hotel and the MSABD building.

Lodging, parking, and other meals are not included.

Registration closes on March 11.