In 2020, an ambitious 15 year old organized a virtual livestock show for youth across the country that were caught blindsided by the pandemic. Ally Loosen from Hartford, along with her family, organized the “Corona Kicker” livestock expo. It launched in March of 2020, and was completed in an on-line platform by Memorial weekend. It generated $23,000 in cash that was distributed to the youth livestock exhibitors, 4-H, FFA and the Red Cross. Now Ally’s at it again – only this time, working on a face-to-face show!
Loosen says she learned last year that going it alone was tough – especially in a pandemic when you’re starting something brand new. This time around, she’s gathered volunteers and formed committees to help the Southeast Elite Livestock Show be a success. Why is she working on something new again, when many fairs and livestock events are planning to come back on line? Frankly, to prove that kids her age have the ability to solve some of their own problems.
“Before I started doing the ‘jackpot’,” she says, “Whenever there was an issue in the industry, you never saw kids coming up with the answers. It was always adults solving the problems, but I didn’t feel adults knew what it was like in our shoes, to not be able to take out our animals.” So she took the lead!
After the success of the “Corona Kicker” with 400 exhibitors and over 700 livestock videos submitted, it’s all about face-to-face judging this year. They’ve secured the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds in Fond du Lac for the SE Elite Livestock Show on May 21st and 22nd. All the details on involvement and support are available on their Facebook page. Contact: Ally Loosen (262) 224-8344 or [email protected]