The 2021 AgrAbility of Wisconsin Virtual Summit will be hosted on Zoom. We are pleased to announce the annual Summit will take place April 13 – 15, 2021, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm each day. All are welcome to attend at no cost.
This multi-day program gives participants an opportunity to virtually network and learn about resources available through AgrAbility and other Wisconsin programs.
“After having to postpone and then ultimately cancel the 2020 summit because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we are excited to host our annual summit this year virtually. The speakers and presentations will be very informational and helpful to farmers with and without disabilities,” says Brian Luck, Director of AgrAbility of Wisconsin.
Topics to be covered each day include:
• Tuesday, April 13 | FSA: Safety Net Programs, Loan Opportunities with
Specifics to Veterans and SDA Farmers
o Speaker Adam Steffen, County Executive Director, Monroe, La Crosse
and Juneau Counties
• Wednesday, April 14 | Farmer Health Insurance
o Speakers Dr. Florence Becot, National Farm Medicine Center and Rich
Lavigne, Farm Commons
• Thursday, April 15 | Farm Financials and Farmer Wellness with the Wisconsin
Farm Center
o Speakers Dan Bauer, Program Supervisor; Jayne Krull, Bureau Director,
Ag Resource & Promotion; and Mike Lochner, Financial Consulting &
Farm Succession Planning Specialist all with the Wisconsin Farm Center
Registration and event details can be found at:
Since 1991, AgrAbility of Wisconsin has been promoting success in agriculture for
farmers with disabilities and their families. AgrAbility of Wisconsin is a partnership
between the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension and Easterseals Wisconsin.