Ag Day at the Capitol will be held March 26 at the Monona Terrace in Madison. This event is the largest gathering of farmers from across the state representing a variety of farm groups to learn more about issues impacting Wisconsin agriculture and meet with their state legislators.
This year’s event will feature keynote speaker Brian Reisinger. He is the author of Land Rich, Cash Poor: My Family’s Hope and the Untold History of the Disappearing American Farmer. Reisinger is an award-winning writer and rural policy expert who grew up on a family farm in Sauk County, Wis. His book weaves the hidden history of America’s disappearing farms with his own family’s four-generation story. Registrants will be entered for a chance to win one of 200 free copies of his book.
In addition to Ag Day at the Capitol’s policy briefings and legislator meetings, the new Agriculture Showcase on the 100 block of MLK Blvd will be an open-to-the-public, educational feature. This includes farm equipment, dairy calves, free cheese samples and more. Inside the Capitol Rotunda, attendees can explore Farm Bureau spotlight booths, connect with Wisconsin Ag Coalition partners and test their skills on a hydraulic sprayer simulator, an interactive video game-like experience.
Registration Details
Registration will begin at 11 a.m. with the program starting at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served followed by the keynote address. After the keynote, issue briefings and time for attendees to visit their legislators in the Capitol.
It is important for attendees to call the offices of their legislators in advance to schedule an appointment. This must be for between 3 and 5 p.m. for Wednesday, March 26.
The new Agriculture Showcase will begin at 12 p.m. and will go until 3 p.m.
Early registration is $35 and is now available. Registration increases to $60 after March 21 and at the door. Register for Ag Day at the Capitol by visiting